Give people new tech and they’ll find a way to be creepy with it.
Case in point: A new House bill — the No AI Fake Replicas and Unauthorized Duplications (FRAUD) Act — points to several instances of AI nonsense, including:
And did these people consent to having their likeness used by AI in those ways? Nope.
… would make it illegal to create a “digital depiction” of any person, living or dead, without permission. This includes both their appearance and voice.
Violators would be subject to fines of up to $50k per violation, or damages.
Two similar bills, per Vice:
Already, scammers are using AI to mimic the voices of people’s loved ones to trick them into sending money or providing personal info.
And a casual glance at history reveals that laws need to keep pace with technology to keep up with people’s bullshit:
… attorney Carrie Goldberg, who specializes in internet harassment, told Vice that the fight needs to happen on a systemic level, also leveling blame at the companies making deepfake products.
“We need to pressure search engines to not guide people to these products or promote sites that publish these images and we need to require that they make content removal simple for victims,” she said.