But can it do same-hour delivery? (Source: Amazon)
1) More than 70% of the US population now lives within 100 miles of an Amazon Air airport, up from 54% in April 2020.
2) Wind power is growing. In 2010, no US wind turbines had rotors over 115 meters in diameter. By 2020, 91% of new rotor installations were that size or larger.
3) There are an estimated 250m cars in the US, along with 2B parking spots. Cars spend ~95% of their existence parked.
4) German prosecutors filed charges against suspects in a museum heist of 18th-century jewels valued at $135m. When’s the movie coming out?
5) The organized retail theft industry is doing very well. It’s now responsible for $45B in annual retailer losses, and at CVS, reported thefts are up 30% in the last year.
6) Kraft-Heinz will pay $62m as part of an accounting fraud settlement. We’re just surprised the fine was for that and not for creating their mixed ketchup and ranch sauce, Kranch.